
Announcing SCENIC—Our Newest Design
Just like you might keep an eye on frame styles and office décor fashions, we here at EyeMotion like to stay current with the latest website trends.
That’s why we decided it was time to develop a new Advanced design, and why we are excited to premiere SCENIC, our latest look. We gave Scenic its name because of the way the nearly full-screen image pops at the top of the site. This area features either a static image or a slideshow incorporating multiple images.

Introducing Our New Website
We've been so busy creating great sites for our clients that we put our own site on the backburner. Well, we finally got our own redesign up and running!

Google To Make Mobile a Priority...Again
Last year Google announced they were going to penalize sites that weren't mobile-friendly. Last month, they said they were increasing the ranking signals yet again beginning in May! We're here to help make sense of this latest update.