New Marketing / Educational Content from Dr. Wnorowski and Team

Now that we include educational content you can use for blogs, social media, and newsletters in most of our EyeMotion subscription packages, we’ve had our eyes open for quality content written by eyecare professionals. We’d been watching the blog written by EyeMotion website client Dr. Brian Wnorowski and his Shore Eye Associate team and were impressed by their informative, easy-to-read content. And so…
…we’re excited to announce that much of this content will be available for you in selected EyeMotion subscription packages!
Dr. Wnorowski’s blog team is comprised of MDs, an OD, and an optician, which provides a nice mix of blog topics, and will complement content that has been being provided by Kathleen Elliott, OD.
Contact Rod or Stephanie at 866.595.1476 today for more info on how you can start accessing this digital content.